Preventative maintenance

In maintenance, preventive maintenance is intended for maintenance of equipment or facilities by performing repair and overhaul to ensure their proper functioning and reliability. Preventative maintenance is performed on equipment in working order, as opposed to repairing or corrective maintenance in working places those who stopped working or damaged. The first objective of maintenance is to avoid or mitigate the consequences of equipment failures, managing to prevent incidents before they occur. Preventive maintenance tasks include actions such as changing worn parts, lubricants and oil changes, etc. Preventive maintenance should avoid equipment failures before they occur. Some of the most common methods to determine which preventive maintenance processes should be carried out are the recommendations of manufacturers, current legislation, expert recommendations and actions carried out on similar assets.

3a-Thermographic Analysis

Thermal imaging cameras are an indispensable tool in maintaining
predictive and preventive, to detect anomalies invisible to the human eye, with the aim of
prevent errors and failures that may entail huge economic losses.
Infrared cameras have become similar to video cameras systems,
They are simple to use and produce very high resolution images in real time. Throughout
the world are many industries that have been discovered in the infrared thermography
benefits it can bring in their preventive maintenance programs.
In the pages that follow, however we will focus on infrared imaging
so they can observe that the applications of thermography in the maintenance
Preventative have no limits.



In maintenance activities it is vital to have visual access of some
element or component of the company, sometimes this is not possible so we can
choose to disarm to get where we want to “see”. Then make a decision,
sometimes it can be simply re arm. Wasting valuable time and money.

The boroscopia or borescopia is a technique Predictive Maintenance, which involves the
ability to perform visual inspections in places inaccessible to the human eye
with the help of an optical equipment, borescope.

The borescope, also called videoscope or videoboroscopio, is a long device and
shaped thin flexible rod. Inside this tube is a telescopic system with
many lenses, which provide a definition to the image. In addition, it is equipped with
a powerful light source. The resulting image can be seen in the main lens of the apparatus,
on a monitor, or recorded on a video recorder for later analysis.
